City Codes and Ordinances
Click here for the Westwood Hills City Ordinances
A page explaining how to find City Codes and Ordinances and lists the Frequently Inquired Ordinances.
Click here for the Westwood Hills City Ordinances
If you are planning renovations or additions to the interior or exterior of your house or even major landscaping, please check with the Building Official or City Clerk to determine whether Building Permits are required. Permit applications are subject to approval by the Planning Commission and Building Official.
Click here to apply for a Building Permit.
Click here for information on Tax Credits.
Some important ordinances to keep in mind: Burning trash, lawn refuse, leaves, grass, or any material outdoors is strictly prohibited.
The City maintains a minimum property standards code that stipulates care and maintenance of all residential dwellings within the City limits.
Removal of diseased or dead trees is the homeowner's responsibility. City ordinance provides that if this obligation is not met promptly, the City may remove the tree(s) in question and bill the homeowner for costs incurred.
Dogs frightening people or causing disturbances are required to be penned, restrained or removed from the City. Animals being walked are required by law to be leashed.
The creek is private property and is owned by each homeowner through whose property it runs. Maintenance of the creek is the responsibility of the individual homeowner.